SERCO of Texas offers services for job seeking candidates through the Texas Workforce Centers it operates. Job Seekers can find assistance through Workforce Solutions South Texas, Workforce Solutions Alamo and Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley
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Ricardo Martinez
Youth Participant
Ricardo Martinez, 19 years old, joined the Workforce Solution Alamo Youth Rural Program as a senior in High School. Prior to his enrollment in the program, Ricardo had a history of being an offender. He felt that because of the errors of the past, he would not be able to succeed. Regardless of his fears, Ricardo succeeded and through work experience at Flowfect, Inc. He was offered a full-time position upon completion of his hours. Ricardo expressed interest in becoming a Police Officer. Without hesitation, his Career Navigator and Ricardo attended a San Antonio recruitment event where Bexar County Sheriff Deputies would register him to take his physical and entry exam. Ricardo passed all the requirements and was hired as a Correctional Officer at Bexar County Sheriff’s Office. While Ricardo was working as a Correctional Officer, he was given the opportunity to take classes for his Texas Peace Officer License and enrolled in the police academy. Ricardo successfully completed his training in the police academy and is now a Licensed Peace Officer! Ricardo is grateful to the SERCO Youth Alamo Program and his Career Navigator for the assistance on making his dream come true!

Christopher Chapa
Youth Participant
Christopher Chapa, 21-year-old joined the WIOA YES! Program with the support of the SERCO team in Wilson County. Christopher was unemployed at the time with a family to take care off. Christopher, he knew he desired more for himself, family specially his little boy. Christopher had a high school diploma but no other formal training. However, he did have some work experience in construction as a laborer. With the help of his Career navigator from the Floresville office in Wilson County, who assisted Christopher in enrolling into vocational training to become a commercial license driver at Southern Careers Institute. In order for Christopher to obtain his Commercial Driver’s License Certification the WIOA YES! program funded his tuition and expenses. Christopher started his training on 11/03/2021 and obtained his license on 03/10/2022 with assistance from his CN and the support of his family. Christopher was hired by C&S Trucking LLC in Floresville Texas and started working on 4/21/2022. Currently making $25.00 and over 40 hours. Christopher is very grateful to the SERCO team for helping have the ability to take care of his loves one.